Barley Grass Grown without chemicals and pesticides

We produce the world’s best certified organic pure barley grass from New Zealand.

To give you the freshest product after harvest, our grass is immediately transported and processed. It contains neither additives nor artificial coloring.

100% Organic

Pure Quality

New Zealand

Fresh & Healthy

Quality Harvest of Products

What does it take to be BioGro Certified?

Santé is the first company in the Philippines with a certification from BioGro, New Zealand’s foremost authority on organic produce and products.

To be BioGro certified means that the farms where our barley are sourced are inspected every year by them. These periodic check-ups serve to ensure our compliance with prescribed organic laws. That means no artificial fertilizers, no pesticides, no genetic modification, and certain rules are followed in growing barley.

A Powerful Source of Nutrition

Boosts Energy and
Improves Stamina

Regarded as a superfood, barley grass is so nutrient-dense that it boosts energy and stamina.

Fights Cancer Cells

The selenium in barley protects our bodies from free radicals which have been known to increase the risk of cancer.

Normalizes Blood
Sugar Levels

Due to barley’s high fiber content and the many essential amino acids found in it, barley grass is excellent for managing blood sugar levels.


Strengthens the
Immune System

Barley is rich with plant lignans and vitamin C which both support a healthy immune system.

Reduces Bad Cholesterol

Barley is rich in beta-glucan which lowers cholesterol levels and visceral fat while niacin reduces bad cholesterol, lipoprotein and free radicals.

Removes Toxins

The antioxidants in barley counters the effects of free radicals which damage cells and increase the risk of disease.